Friday, January 1, 2016

"She'll eat anything..."

Hey family!!!
We put a fecha with Lidia this week for the 30th of December!!!!! She is so excited, and her inactive sister helped so much!! She told her how she needed to set a date to have a goal and how she just needed to do it and she would feel great but satan was working to stop her, she explained everything for us!! Lidia is so sensitive to the spirit its amazing, she tells us that when swe talk about  the gospel she is just filled with peace and when she reads the book of mormon she feels so happy and like it is from God and she prayed to know if it was true and she felt the spirit so string and she wants to be baptized, and me and hermana Gonzalez have to come back in two years to see her sons baptism, so sweet!!! We are so excited, she has had a super hard year and she is so much happier with the gospel, she helped strengthen my testimony so much!! She is so choosen!! Also the branch presidents wifes birthday was this week and we went to their house for lunch and we ate this soup and there was this weird meat in it and they wouldnt tell us what it was until we finished and i had the hugest bowl of soup, i had to work so hard to finish it, but when i finished they told me it was cow stomach, and it is super gross, it seemed hairy but i ate it all...and they LOVE me for it, theyre like hermana Sorenson loves all the salvadoreñan  food, she´ll eat anything hahaha. I dont think i have much more...but ill talk to you guys on friday!!!!! YAY!!! im so excited, merry christmas!!!!!! Love you all!!!!
Her District

 This is how sweaty we get everyday!!
 The Branch President's little goats.
 Merry Christmas!

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