Wednesday, December 16, 2015

"I just felt it, something different..."

Ok so i have a ton of pictures this week. We went to the theater in Santa Ana the last p day as a zone, so i have a ton of those, it was super pretty, you cant use flash though so theyre not super great. Also this week we lost the Familia Chinchilla, we dont really know what happened, they are normally so sweet and positive, but something changed and they were super contentious and he just has a lot of problems with the church, and it was all about money, it was terrible, but we were just like you need a testimony of the book of mormon, so read it and pray and he was like im not going to pray about it, if God wants me to know if its true he will tell me...AHHH what the heck!! So yeah if he wont even try to find his answers we are probably not going baack there. But we did find Lidia and we gave her lesson 1 and the first vision and we were like how do you feel listening to this, and she was like wow as soon as you started talking i just felt it, something different, something good, it was amazing!!! she went to church on sunday and she and her 6 year old son loved it, she wants to be baptized, but wont accept a date yet, so were working on that this week. So our neighbor had her quinceñera this week, they had a whole stage built outside our house and they painted their house and went all out, it was insane. So the night of the party the music was so loud, and the owner of our house keeps their car in our house, and the music made the car alarm go off every 30 seconds, it was terrible and the owners werent home and we kept calling them and calling them and we couldnt find them for so long, but finally he came and disconnected the alarm. But here in Texis there are partied like every couple days in december, its crazy. They just picked the new queen of Texistepeque this week I think. Anyways i think thats all that happened this week, but it was super good. With Lidia the spirit is super strong and she totally recognizes it which is awesome, I love seeing people feel the spirit for the first time and their like what is this!! I love seeing that!! its the greatest feeling ever, to play a tiny part in helping these people feel the spirit and come unto christ, i love it!!! I have never been happier!! Love you guys, have an awesome week!!!

 Enjoying the beautiful nativity that she bought her mom for Christmas.

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