This week was awesome. A sister missionary from our ward came home from Honduras this week. The family is our neighbor and theyre super great, theyre like my second family, so we were waiting anxiously for her too. We woke up early and went to decorate the house at like 6 in the morning, but her flight was delayed 5 hours, so we went back in the afternoon when they got back from the airport, that was super baggy. and the same day a boy from the ward got his misison call to costa rica. He leaves the week i get home, what the heck. but it was an awesome day. then we had interchanges with the sister training leaders and i went to españa and i stayed in the same house i stayed in my very first night in El Salvador, almost exactly one year ago. I have been thinking a lot about if ive really changed that much during the mission, but that night i read what i wrote in my journal the first night, and i realized how much ive changed. That is one of the nicest houses in the mission, and its super cute and huge, but the first night i was complaining so much how it was dirty and ugly and blah blah blah and everyone was speaking spanish and i didnt undrestand and i was super sweaty and exhausted, but the second night was so different. I was so happy. So i started reading all the first entries in my journal, and i am so grateful for the mission. i know i have changed and i am so happy, happier than ive ever been, and i wouldnt traid my mission for anything. I know God answers my prayers. We met a guy this week that doesnt believe in God and asked why God doesnt just talk to us, but I know God does talk to us, He has talked to me and told me what to do, how im doing and what i need to change. I am so grateful for this gospel. And for God, He really does love us and we really are His children. i love you all!! have an awesome week!!
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